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Frühlingstrümmel 9

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Frühlingstrümmel 9 – Daydance & Clubbing Wenk Areal / Jugendkulturhaus Flösserplatz Tickets
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Sa, 25. Mai 2019
13:30 Uhr – 04:00 Uhr
Wenk Areal / Jugendkulturhaus Flösserplatz, Aarau, CH
Dieses Jahr findet das Frühlingstrümmel Daydance Openair wieder auf dem Wenk Areal statt! Mit auf dem Katamaran sind:

˙·٠•●°★ Rhythm of the moon ★°●•٠·˙ (,

Crash Kid Company



LIVE Concert Natural Trance:

HILIGHT TRIBE (Kosmic Hoboes Prod.)

Greg Hilight (From Hilight Tribe)

SEB From Hilight Tribe
Divine Adventure (Independet Productions) Live

Feinmechanik (Sinsonic Records)

Annea ( Crash Kid Company & Psychonauten Rec. )

OhrTor & Akirfa ( Crash Kid Company & Psychonauten Rec.)


Daruis D (L.E.D.)

Hilight Tribe

Hilight Tribe has been touring the world and spreading their message of peace and

unity between all people and cultures for almost two decades. Their audience is like an

extended family awaiting them at each corner of the planet on some of the most

prestigious dance floors of the globe. Exploring a world without borders, these five

musicians and their sound engineer invite us on a musical trip called Organic Trance, a

style that bridges the riches of the ancient world with the sound of tomorrow.

The drum set and bass act as a platform of expression for the guitar, multiple

percussion sets, vocals and a wide range of traditional instruments such as sitar,

didgeridoo, native drums and many more. Each song is a visit to a different culture or

concept and some instruments are linked to effects which generate avant-gard

experimental sounds similar to those heard in the electronic world. Thanks to the

coordination between the Sound engineer, Light Designer, Stage Engineer, Musicians

and Dancers, each show becomes an out of the ordinary sensorial experience.

On this musical trek of 8 albums and 600 gigs world wide, the members of the band

are blessed to share their vision with several generations of dancers, travellers and

free thinkers from all origins and creeds who more than ever contribute to writing the

legend of the Tribe. What started as a performance has now become a life style and a

musical trend spreading world wide…Welcome to the universe of Hilght Tribe’s Organic


Greg Hilight (From Hilight Tribe)

SEB (From Hilight Tribe)


Darius D:

Divine Adventure:

Feinmechanik (Sinsonic Records)

Annea ( Crash Kid Company & Psychonauten Rec. )

OhrTor & Akirfa ( Crash Kid Company & Psychonauten Rec.)

13.30 – 21.45 Uhr: Daydance Openair auf dem Wenk Areal (Rohrerstrasse 6, Aarau)
Ab 22.00 – 04.00 Uhr: Clubbing im Flösserplatz Club (Flösserstrasse 7, Aarau)

Tickets für 14.5 Std. Party (Daydance & Clubbing):

Tickets nur für Clubbing:
Ab 22:00 Uhr wird situativ entschieden, ob es im Club eine Abendkasse gibt. Je nach Besucherzahlen. Eintritt: 25.-

Unsere Recommendation: VVK benutzen, da in den letzten Jahren der Trümmel immer ausverkauft war!


Leider dürfen wir keine Hunde auf das Gelände lassen, wie auch die ganz Kleinen können leider nicht teilnehmen.


Leider dürfen keine mitgebrachten Getränke auf das Gelände mitgenommen werden. Leere PET-Flaschen sind erlaubt und können drinnen an unserer Wasserstation aufgefüllt werden.

– Barbetrieb
– Es gibt einen Gschänkli-Tauschecke
– Livestream aus dem Container von

Dj’s & Liveacts:


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